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Kiwi Governors

Every school is required to have a governing body made up of at least seven governors. School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school's aims and policies.

Governors help schools to provide the best education for their pupils by:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent 

They can be contacted through the clerk by emailing

For Governors Roles and Responsibilities Click Here

Meet the Governors

Pam Bassindale 

I am Pam Bassindale and, since December 2023, I have been the Chair of Governors here at Kiwi. I am also the Chair at St. Andrew’s primary School in Salisbury.

Prior to retiring from my post of Headteacher at another Salisbury primary school, I had taught in a Service Children’s School in Detmold, Germany and coming to Kiwi has stirred up some great memories. Both my sons went to military schools there and didn’t want to come back to the UK!

After a long career in teaching, I still get enormous satisfaction from being involved in the education of young people and I have always been determined to do everything I can to ensure that all our children are given the chance to develop a love of learning in order to fulfil their potential.

Angela Bayliss

I have been a governor at Kiwi Primary School for over a year, serving as Vice Chair. Prior to that I have been a governor locally for a total of seven years in two stints. My husband served in the army , including postings in Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Bosnia and Iraq). I spent eleven years as an army wife. We settled locally and our four children attended local schools. One of my sons is currently in the army and has served in Afghanistan.

 My University degree subject was History.  I qualified as a teacher when my youngest child was aged four. I taught for over 25 years , teaching different ages of children, ranging from Reception/Year 1 to  Year 11, when I taught GCSE subjects of History and Religious Studies.  I am committed to improving the education of children. I am particularly interested in the teaching of English. 

We now have six grandchildren ranging in age from  ten months to seven years old.  

I also enjoy gardening, swimming, reading, local history and walking Trooper, our black labrador.  I also have some rescued hens from the British Hen Welfare Trust to help keep me busy!