Year 2 (23-24)
Whatatutu- Mrs K Moore
Takapuna - Miss J Cullen
Term 6
To start the term off, we are looking at the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. As a hook into the story, the children worked in teams to build bridges. The bridges had to be strong enough to allow them to walk across.
We also started our art topic on colour mixing. The children had to use the three primary colours of red, blue and yellow to make the secondary colours. They watered down the paints to be able to mix them easier, and wet the paper to make the colours bleed into each other.
We have been enjoying the sunshine over the last couple of weeks. We had our class treat of a picnic and rounders, and then had two cricket coaches in as part of sports week. We had great fun learning the rules of batting and fielding.
As a hook for our English writing about recounts, Year 2 took a trip to the local park. The children had great fun playing on the equipment with their friends. We will now use this experience to learn about the past tense and using commas in a list to write some fantastic recounts.
What a great Science Week we are having in school. So far, we have met with Dave Hickory who has taught us that Science is everywhere, and we are all scientists. We had great fun watching, and joining in with, some of the experiments. Then we decided to be scientists back in class. We investigated making spinners out of different sized paper, as well as different types of paper. We also made magic flowers. We decided that the paper absorbed the water which made the petals open. We are looking forward to Zoolab coming in on Friday!
We also had creative arts week. During this, we did lots of art activities including a clay workshop. Look at the owls we made!